Satisfy the Demand for Immediate Results
With ChronoTrack Live igniting Athlinks live results, we will help you stay competitive, on any device, at any time, anywhere in the world. We help you provide athletes with timeless tokens of their achievements worth sharing with friends and family, as soon as they cross the finish line. Our Live Results platform offers numerous options to enable athletes and spectators immediate access to the information they crave.

Athlete Race Results
Allow you to host a timing results page unique to your event with the ChronoTrack Live Results widget. Enable SMS Text Messaging on any course and supply spectators updates on their Athletes progress throughout event.

Onsite Results
Onsite Results Kiosks and Scrolling Results Panels are perfect for onsite results displays, eliminating paper results posting.

Athlete Map Tracking
Easy Map Course Setup with map uploading for Event Directors and Timers. Accurate Athlete Predictions are driven by ChronoTrack Live’s scoring engine now supporting a reduction in the number of split points required on course.