We’re pleased to announce that our latest update to the CT Live database, Reporting 2.0 Athlete Report, is now available to all ChronoTrack users on desktop and mobile.
In this current phase, Reporting 2.0 enhancements are limited to the Athlete report – Athlete registration data only – but this work has paved the way for future report enhancements such as Scoring reports and Financial reports
For this huge undertaking, our engineering teams developed a completely new CT Live reporting infrastructure; committing time and work that will enhance the overall performance and longevity of reporting as a whole.
Here’s what you can expect to learn about inside:
- Speed of Reports
- Report Customization: Filtering & Sorting
- Saving Reports
- CT Live Reporting 1.0 Integration
- Video Demo
Speed of Reports
Our report generation speed has dramatically improved thanks to the new reporting infrastructure now in place in CT Live 2.0. Users can expect reports for events of all sizes to generate in a matter of seconds. For example, we are able to populate an athlete report of 65,000 almost instantaneously.
Athlete Report – Registration Data Only
As noted in the introduction, currently Reporting 2.0 is limited to the Athlete Report, formerly known as the Confirmed Entries Report in CT Live 1.0. All net-new reports will be generated via this ‘Athlete Report’ subtab. This will be your starting point for all new report creation.
The default information displayed on-page (for all net-new reports) will be:
- ChronoID
- First Name
- Last Name
- Bib
- Tag
- Reg Choice
- Race Name
- Entry Status
- Gender
- Birthdate
- Reg Time
To edit the information displayed on the screen, users will click the “Edit” button and your report data options will appear. Quickly add all fields for a given category or individually select report fields from the options that appear on-screen. Utilize this page as a search tool for quickly finding

Report Customization
New to CT Live Reporting 2.0 is the ability to Filter report fields, on-screen. The default filters displayed with every report are Race, Reg Choice, Bracket, Wave Status. Users have the ability to combine filters and/or select multiple filters within a single category.

Also new to CT Live Reporting 2.0 is the ability to Sort report data, on-screen. Sort report column alphabetically or numerically. Please note, you can only sort one column at a time.
Saving Reports in CT Live 2.0
The first changes you make to the default Athlete Report will prompt you to “Save New Report“. After saving the new report, you will be able to continue editing your report on screen, (the report will automatically be placed in the 2.0 Reports sub-tab). Any additional changes made to your report will prompt you to simply “Save Report”.
To access previously created and saved reports, head to the 2.0 Report subtab and continue editing/exporting your report.
If users are interested in utilizing the Athlete Report page for quick athlete information lookup, saving the report is not necessary – simply exit your page or navigate to other pages within CT Live.
Accessing CT Live 1.0 Reports
All reports previously made in CT Live 1.0 will be found in the 1.0 Reports subtab. If you need to edit or access a 1.0 Report, you will be directed back to CT Live 1.0.
Feedback, Comments, Questitons
With any questions or feedback regarding these reporting updates, please reach out directly to Product Manager Micah Rennels at mrennels@chronotrack.com.